Thursday, January 31, 2008

Discussion Panel for Parenting Toddlers

Last year, I was involved with a local organization (that's trying to go national) called Homemakers by Choice (HBC).

Their three fold purpose:

  1. To grow in one's walk with God through Bible Study, prayer, fellowship and worship
  2. To be a support and encouragement to other moms raising children in today's society.
  3. To provide relationship-building activities for moms and children.

My relationship with the founder of the organization, Donna Otto, began before I knew anything about HBC. John and I lived in the Otto's guest house our first summer in AZ...for free! What a blessing. Unfortunately (but really we felt quite fortunate!) we also lived in their guest house the second summer - when we moved across town and had such closing/title fiascos.

I love Donna's energy and passion for women to be workers at home. So, when she called to ask if I'd be a part of a guest panel on her podcast, of course I agreed!

If you're interested in listening here are the links:
Life Lessons on the Toddler Years, part 2 and part 3. Since it's hosted at OnePlace, to download you have to register, but it is all free.

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