When thinking about Christmas toys, here are some ideas for boys that don't require batteries and foster lots of creative play.
Probably the favorite boy toy in our house is DIRT or sand. A friend of ours is storing borrowing our sand and water table while we stage our house for sale.

I suppose it depends on the bent of your boy, but at our house TRAINS are oh-so-fun. He got this starter set from Ikea on his 2nd birthday. For Christmas last year the tunnel set was added. His 4th birthday the grandparents added more tracks. [The Thomas the Tank Engine tracks will fit the Ikea tracks. The Ikea train tracks cost less and are about the same quality.]
Mr. Intensity got this Tonka truck and loader for his second birthday. Both trucks have been well loved and even fought over at the park. If you only want to get one of the two, get the truck.
You can't go wrong with a shovel, either. We own about 5 shovels/hoes in different shapes and sizes. They are good. Clean. Fun. They help boys burn energy by using big muscles. Some moms at the park get a bit nervous when we arrive with our arsenal but I'm quick to enforce the rule: shovels stay on the ground. When looking at shovel options, go for metal. Yes, plastic is safer but have you tried to dig with a plastic shovel? The boys fight ask for the metal shovels while the plastic one is the last man out. Our shovels came from Target, Big Lots, and in the garden center of another store. Go for quality. Two of our shovels from Target are literally bent out of shape, which sometimes hinders the workers. Mr. Intensity's next shovel will be man-sized with a few inches sawed off the handle. Ohh- maybe for Christmas?!
For a baby shower gift, someone gave me a set of wooden blocks. One year for Christmas (when Hubby was in seminary) Mr. Intensity got a set of Hebrew blocks.
It's fun to build towers and knock them down with bean bags or wrecking balls. Speaking of bean bags, I like to make them for birthday gifts (boys or girls) and add this list of games to the package.
This summer, Mr. Intensity had so much fun with masking tape a friend even sent 10 rolls. We didn't waste a bit.
If you've read this blog for long, you know that my guy likes to bam things. A nested hammer has been good fun for us but he also likes to use Daddy's. It's heavier and can do more damage.
Other gifts (from grandparents) that we've both enjoyed are memberships to the zoo, Children's Museum, and a preschool class at the Desert Botanical Garden.
Well, those are my suggestions. What have I missed? I'd love to hear your "gotta have BOY toys." UPDATE: Wrote another post.
To see what other savvy mommas have to say about the best of the best for boy AND girl toys, click over to Rocks in My Dryer.
The whole dirt thing... they love it any way you serve it! Great tip about the shovels.
We love zoo memberships... great gifts.
Great list! We are all about trains here too and at only 2-1/2! Well, pretty much trains, cars, anything with wheels...;-)
Really liked your ideas. Our favorite toy are probably card board boxes (though they are maybe not quite the right thing for Christmas). Our Big Blocks are a close second though.
Have you tried boys stuff at all? I hear they are a good place to shop for Christmas gifts and ideas.
Ugh batteries, HATE THEM. I had a TWO WEEK old remote and I found a battery leaking in it. I am meant to let MY SON play with them? I am now slowly trying to remove MOST from the house. Great ideas!!
Great list! Kids really love to play in dirt and sand.
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