I found this jewel in a gravy separator for a fraction of the cost. Yay outlets.
Love it. I make broth frequently and using this tool removes the refrigeration step to skim the fat.
But wait! That's not all. There's another use for this handy gadget that helps justify my impromptu purchase.
Hey Julie & John!
You were shopping in my stomping grounds. We live here in Memphis. I love to shop there too. I found your blog accidentially. I lost touch with where you were.
Here's my e-mail: cherryTfriesen@yahoo.com
Write me & I'll give you my contact info. You never know when there's car trouble or something.
Cherry Tolleson Friesen
Hey there! I actually posted today about this exact same thing: multitasking with my Williams Sonoma gravy separator. :)
"Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman?"
great post. :)
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