Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dirty Fun

This summer when our family went to the Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, Hubby bought a copy of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.  In the back of the book is a list of 100 ideas for kids (and their families) to enjoy nature.

Below is one of the ideas.
Yesterday I bought 1/2 a cubic yard of dirt to make a square foot garden (details to come).  The remaining dirt we dumped in a pile for Mr. Intensity to connect with nature.  In the book, the author makes the point that a truckload of dirt costs less than a video game.  I would add, and a heck of a lot more fun!!


Sherry Gann said...

Awesome! :D
Love that book, too.

jojoebi-designs said...

looks like fun - the kind of fun I grew up with.
We do the SFG thing, I should post about it really, it was an age ago the last post I did...

The Davidson Den said...

I'm just now getting to this post (been a bit behind), but you're definitely onto something! My in-laws have had a dirt pile in the back corner of their yard since they moved there, and my kids adore it. We always pack "gettin' dirty" clothes when we go to Nana and Poppy's! :)


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