Monday, January 25, 2010

Family Update

We finished the globe and took it to church on Sunday. The elders at our church are asking the parents to begin teaching catechism questions at home. This month's focus was on God as Creator. Each child that made a papier mache globe received a coupon for a free Chick-fil-A sandwich. Mr. Intensity was motivated.

Once at church, I had the sinking feeling that we had the wrong Sunday. No one else made a globe. I felt like the major overachiever. We laughed about it to friends after church (they don't go to our church) and they said, "You're not overachievers, you're just parents of one child...and that's changing!" :)

As for my pregnancy, I'm doing great at 25 weeks. About ten days ago I had contractions that were consistent and uncomfortable. At first I thought they were just Braxton Hicks but when I woke the next morning with a sore tummy I thought otherwise. At my scheduled OB appointment a few days later my doctor wasn't concerned. He did, however, measure my cervix (ultrasound) to have a baseline to measure against in the event the contractions continue.

I've also been consulting with a natural health practitioner who recommended some things to try. Once I did the recommended things, the contractions have almost gone away completely.

Lastly, a video of my favorite subject of all times: Mr. Intensity:


Mandy Guss said...

That's one way to wear him out! Looks like a lot of fun!

from mel said...

What things did they have you try for your contractions?

Julie said...

Mel - she thought the contractions were brought on by toxicity (either environmental or something I ate) - so I took probiotics in pill form for 3 days. Do you know Sara Channing? Her mom is a wealth of knowledge. If you're interested in more, I can put you in contact with her.

I've also started making kefir at home (Sara sent me the grains) and drinking a smoothie for breakfast for continued probiotics.

Erin said...

That might be the best video I've seen in a while. So proud! Got to get that boy a little bit taller basket before he rips the rim off that one. So awesome, might have to show that at the start of our video session tomorrow to motivate my players.

momandkiddo said...

Hmmm, I wonder what the natural health pract. would think of Mr.I's Chick-fil-A sandwich. :) Probably the same thing she would have thought of my cookie consumption yesterday...

So glad you got the contractions to stop, take care of yourself!

Love the video. I'm always forgetting to take videos of the kids.

Julie said...

love the video of JI, he is so cute. And glad you are feeling better. I love his globe and would do it for a chick fila sandwich too, it was our favorite on our trip home...mostly the playgym... but I love their lemonade and chicken. Yum

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

I had contractions 2-3 min apart pretty frequently from 22 weeks on. A nice warm bath would usually help keep them at bay. I was also put on bedrest, but the baby ended up hanging on until the day before his due date...

I've read that fish oil is also helpful. A local chiropractor here who specializes in pregnant women and children also recommended that to help with contractions as well as more magnesium.

I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

The Davidson Den said...

If you're over-achievers, you know what WE are then... :)

Love the dunks!

Charissa said...

There is nothing wrong for working hard for Chick-fil-a. Glad you have the time to help him acheive with excellence! What a young man of integrity GOD is building through you all


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