Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Update on The Art of Marriage

What are you doing Valentine's weekend?  It's only three weeks away.  YIKES!

Maybe you could find (or host) The Art of Marriage, the video based marriage conference to which my hubby has given the last 18 months of his life.

Here's part of an email that was sent to the FamilyLife staff:

As of this morning 655 Art of Marriage events are registered, and even more encouraging, the orders for resources from hosts are proving that the number of events isn’t a canard – if anything, we’re *under* reporting our number of events as registrations are still pouring in for the 2-11-11 launch.

Some numbers about our numbers:

- 537 of our registered events are participating in our launch on 2/11/11; the remainder are occurring between the next weekend and October.
- There are events scheduled in 49 states. Surely we can find SOMEone in Rhode Island to host an event?
- Events are scheduled in Azerbaijan, Korea, The Marianas Islands, New Zealand, Nigeria – and Canada, eh?

Every one of those events is receiving resources from our warehouse, so will you continue to pray for them as they crank out the shipments for The Art of Marriage, LifeReady Woman, Resurrection Eggs, the Love Like You Mean It Cruise, and our Weekend to Remember getaways, all of which have to be completed, like, yesterday?

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