Yesterday afternoon it was 114.5* (46*C) - and I wondered if would be hot enough to cook an egg inside the car. So we did a bit of experimenting. The idea came from an Arizona woman who
cooked an entire meal in her car.
The thermometer inside the car registerd about 141* (61* C) when I stopped watching it climb. Then, I cracked the egg in a glass dish and left it on the dash (inside the car.)

Then we
walked sweated down the street to watch something much more exciting than frying eggs in the car. The men were fixin' a water-line break.

Sadly to report, after 2 hours in the car (from 3-5pm), the egg didn't cook. However, my engineer husband and I have debated over what we could do differently next time to maximize the heat. Stay tuned. The heat doesn't leave the desert until mid-October.
And I was whining because the temperature approached 90 today?
I had never experienced 114 until last month. I can't imagine what 141 feels like...
I actually thought it would. Let me know what you find out!
It is hot here too, but only around 90...but we don't have A/C Well, our flat does, but we just got at $1200 end of the year electric bill and don't know why or how our apartment could generate so much and can't afford to run it. Sad...and HOT and sweaty!!! My dad arrives tonight for 4 days, we might have to turn it on... which I am not too sad about, but it is expensive. It is 8AM and I am sweating so much already ugh...
We were going to try this- we did do s'mores outside in a selfmade solar oven...maybe putting it on a metal pan in sirect sunlight to fry it?
I think I remember frying an egg on the sidewalk when I was a kid. I'll bet you could do that.
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