Thursday, December 11, 2008

Preschool Art Group

In preschool art group this week, they painted the salt dough ornaments from last week.  I was brave (or silly) enough to let them use acrylic paint.  To my great relief, wasn't that bad.  They really had a good time painting and chatting. 
With minutes before the other children were to arrive, I realized I hadn't followed my golden rule: ALWAYS make the craft before starting.  So, I quickly tried this idea and decided to tweak it.  Instead of using glue and foil, I gave them contact paper.  Actually, I tried it with liquid starch.  The tissue paper stuck to itself, but when dry, it came off the foil.
Lastly, they practiced sewing a popcorn garland with a real needle.  No blood drawn, or causalities I promise!  Along with the popcorn, I let them count out ten mini-marshmallows.  They had the option to eat the sweets or put them on the garland.  Only one (of the 30) survived to the garland.  And, I think they all tasted a cranberry.  Wish I had my camera ready for those puckered faces!

As you can see from the end results, their attention spans were a bit short.  I think Lucas would have lasted longer if the other two could have glued themselves to the chair.  Julia, we missed you - hope you're feeling better soon.


John and Pam Majors said...

You are some kind of hero, Julie!

Julie said...

thanks for sharing those ideas... I think i might make those kid of cards with Eli....

Evenspor said...

I am thinking of trying popcorn stringing this year, but I am not quite sure whether I trust my little guy with a needle just yet. We did string pretzels onto yarn, though, which he enjoyed.

bethany actually said...

Hey, thanks for the link! I like the idea of making the tissue paper collage with contact paper...that would be a much less messy and quicker project for an art group like this one. How did they turn out? :-)

(My word verification below is "capraw" and I find that funny so I'm sharing.)

reprehriestless warillever said...

We did cheerio/cranberry chains last week.

They ate more cherrios than they strung (of course). I figured that the cranberries would be safe. Not so! Little P chomped at least a dozen of them whole, and was going back for more!


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