He wouldn't let it die. The boy is persistent.
He wanted to go and make some laws.
I put my foot down. He couldn't make laws but we could visit the law makers. Long discussion on this.
The brass doors were locked - but a sign told us to enter through the tunnel. Sounded a bit eerie to me. It wasn't. Suppose it was a post 9/11 sanction.
Once inside we were awed by the massive amounts of marble. Mr. Intensity was my guide. Basically I followed him everywhere he went ran.
From the very top balcony, he's pointing to the tunnel entrance.
We stopped to say hello to young governor Billy.
...and lieutenant governor Mike (before Weight Watchers). I couldn't find the schmancy governor portrait of him.
He's off and running - I better catch up!
If you're in central Arkansas this is the way to visit the capitol. Let your preschooler give you a tour. It wasn't stressful. I didn't have to tell him to "be quiet" or "don't touch" (well, not much.) Going by ourselves is waaay better than trying to go with a group.

How nice! I loved the picture of him trying the door with his reflection in it. Super!
Isn't the capitol a beautiful building. Did you get to go into any of the chamber rooms (the house or senate)? You can usually only go in the balcony (although I'be only been in them during sessions - so you might be able to get to the floor when not in session. Our friend Aaron used to work for Gov. Huck so we had a chance to see some pretty remote areas of that really old building. It's a really neat place.
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