Sister is smiling more this week.
Brother finally finished his reading lesson book
. As a reward, he had $10 to spend at Tarjay. He went thinking he'd get something Bakugan but I'm thankful he got a sword. He will play with the sword way more than that plastic junk.
He already had the one with duct tape on the end.

Now he has one to whack for a friend...or Dad.
He's such a ham.

love your feminine friday posts. she looks like her brother! i love the fact that your boy is such a boy. i grew up with only sisters so when kekoa gets together with his buddies and they get all crazy it makes me nervous. it's so much easier to watch him play independently along side of girls. but i know he needs to have his guy time so we'll have more playdates with boys this summer. but i should be thankful there's more boys in his MDO class than girls.
btw, you need to update the picture at the top with one of your whole family!
What a great smile Caroline has! I love Feminine Friday! I painted my toenails in honor of it and all my girls. Naomi had a cute pink and brown polka dot top with a cupcake on it. She looked like a cute cupcake! I think Caroline likes this hat better, judging by her smile.
JI is having fun of course. What a guy!
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