Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fit to Burst: Must Read Book for Mothers of Young Children

My in-laws left this morning.  It's the first time I've been the only adult in the house in about a month.  To my great surprise (and JOY!) today has been an easy day.  The weather is nice, the kids are getting along, the baby is content.

But life is not always this good.  There are days when I want to pull out my hair and go hide in a closet - or maybe a hot bathtub.

A good friend of mine recently emailed to say, "Have you read Rachel Jankovic's new book?  [Julie writes: She was also the author of Loving the Little Years which I loved].  I've only read one chapter but I'm telling you BUY THE BOOK.  The first chapter on sacrificial giving like that of Christ's has me saying "ouch" and "Yes!" simultaneously. Probably the best I've read on it from a mother's perspective."

I'm a bit over half way through the book and I echo my friend's sentiments.  BUY THE BOOK.  The chapters are short yet chocked full of godly wisdom as to pertaining running a home with little children (who inevitably sometimes seem like their mission is to make life miserable for mom.) This is a book that I will read again.  Already I have found myself thinking about something I read in the book, and it has influenced (for good!) the way I respond to my children.

In these exhausting first days with a newborn, it is oh-so-easy in my tiredness to give in to the desires of the flesh.  The timing of reading this book has been good, encouraging, helpful...what else can I say?  BUY THE BOOK.

If you are a mom of older children, buy this book for a mom of littles and bless her.

1 comment:

The Eberle Family said...

SO....I ordered this book and it arrived today. Looking forward to diving in. Thanks for the recommendation!!


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