When mine get too ripe, I peel them and freeze them in 2 or 3inch sections in a freezer bag. Usually they are used in smoothies, or on occasion, banana bread.
Here's how you can make yummy ice cream with them in your food processor:
- add frozen chunks of banana to your food processor with the chopping blade.
- add other fruit if desired (like blueberries, peaches, strawberries) or even peanut butter or cocoa powder!
- add about 1T of vanilla
- add milk, up to half the amount of fruit. It is best to start with too little milk than too much.
- give your processor a whirl until it reaches soft-serve consistency.
It's so yummy and guilt free you could eat this for breakfast!
just wanted to tell you that you can try making it without the milk as well! look up raw banana ice cream. it comes out GREAT!!!!
Sounds similar to the kefir smoothies we've been making for breakfast and snacks. We use mild raw milk kefir (we mix it with extra raw milk if it's too strong), fruit (bananas, frozen blueberries, raspberries, etc.), a couple drops of stevia, and sometimes a splash of oj. Every batch is different, but we often leave it nice and thick and eat it with a spoon. Yum.
Just wanted to let you know that I have linked to your ice cream recipe on our blog. Please stop by and check us out at www.kidsmatter1.blogspot.com
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